El personal de comando es responsable de proporcionar dirección, supervisión y control de las funciones administrativas y operativas del Departamento. Estos miembros controlan el presupuesto anual del departamento, así como también desarrollan e implementan políticas para asegurar la calidad continua del servicio mediante el uso eficaz de los recursos. Además, los Subjefes administran al personal asignado a las distintas divisiones del departamento.
Incident Safety
The Health & Safety Division has a small group on Incident Safety Officers who respond to major incidents where they monitor and assess hazards and unsafe situations to ensure safe operations to efficiently mitigate the emergency incident.
Infection Control
The department's Health & Safety Officer acts as the Designated Infection Control Officer (DICO) to serve as a liaison between members who have sustained exposures to communicable diseases.
Health and Wellness
Health and Wellness provides medical physicals designed to provide early detection of serious medical conditions and encourage better health, in accordance with National Fire Protection Association (NFPA) Standards 1582.
Critical Incident Stress Management
CVFD provides around-the-clock peer based support, intervention, and stress management education to emergency responders. The goal is to reduce critical incident stress on department personnel and prevent the long-term impact from traumatic stress. The CISM team can be activated for a fatality or serious injury of a member or family member, death or serious injury involving a child, or any other high stress situation.
Member Assistance Program
The Member Assistance Program provides confidential counseling, guidance, and referral services to help members in resolving personal problems that may be adversely affecting their performance, such as emotional problems or substance/alcohol abuse.